Build and grow your own ads business powered by machine learning

Mobile user acquisition and retargeting

Drive your most profitable growth at massive scale.

Close-up shot of commuters in a subway immersing in their mobile devices.

Reach the right users anywhere and everywhere

Find your highest-value users in a network of 2.6 million apps on 10 billion devices throughout the world. Don’t constrain your growth potential by targeting limited audience segments. Moloco’s machine learning engine predicts the lifetime value (LTV) of every possible user to acquire whales wherever they are.

A performance marketer presenting financial data on a screen in front of two people in a meeting room.

Create a lasting revenue stream

Target based on how your app makes money: in-app purchase, subscription, or in-app ad revenue. Optimize campaigns based on CPI, CPA, or ROAS so that your ad spend delivers people that will use and spend in your app, not just install it. Increase impression-to-install rates with creative optimization and advanced creative A/B testing features. Reliably maintain ROI at any scale with practically zero performance decline as your budget increases and your campaigns expand.

Close-up shot of a person holding a smartphone and tapping the phone screen.

Retarget, re-engage, reconvert, and retain

Reduce user acquisition costs and optimize for down-funnel conversions. Turn unengaged users into spenders with the right market-tested and data-driven messages. Prompt users who’ve already taken one action to reconvert lower down in the funnel. Use smart predictions to identify dormant users most likely to reactivate or reinstall your apps.

Gamehive logo

“Moloco helped us acquire valuable users we needed  to hit our ROAS targets, and enabled us to reach new audiences that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise”

— Nick Cullen, User Acquisition Manager, GameHive


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