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Moloco’s strong ad performance recognized in the 2022 Singular ROI Index

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February 8, 2022

The mobile marketing industry’s most notable change in 2021 was the release of iOS 14.5+ when two major changes went into effect: First, with more users on Limit Ad Tracking, their activities associated with IDFA would no longer be available. Second, SKAdNetwork became the primary attribution tool for Apple devices, which doesn’t provide granular information about users.Since we use different types of data to train our machine learning engine, Moloco Cloud DSP was already optimized for LAT traffic. Our customers saw substantial Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and lower CPM despite the changes.

The strength of our machine learning engine is reflected in Moloco’s results in the 2022 Singular ROI Index. Of the 27 lists spanning ROI and Retention for Android and pre- and post-iOS 14.5, Moloco was featured 24 times, ranking us in the top 5 in the overall best of the best individual ad networks.

2022 Singular ROI Index Top Media Sources

The Singular ROI Index is an annual study that analyzes 20 billion in ad spend across a multitude of mobile ad networks. It is one of the few industry reports to emphasize the ROI over other performance indicators, which it measures based on the largest combined set of ad spend, app installs and revenue in the mobile growth space. Under this methodology, Moloco is ranked as a top performer in the following:

Top Android: Best ROI Ad Network

  • Global Ad Partners
  • Gaming Ad Partners
  • North America
  • EMEA
  • APAC

Top Android: Highest Retention Ad Network

  • Global Ad Partners
  • Gaming Ad Partners
  • Non Gaming Ad Partners
  • North America
  • EMEA
  • APAC

iOS 14.5, 15 and Up: Best ROI Ad Networks

  • Global Ad Partners
  • Gaming Ad Partners
  • Non Gaming Ad Partners
  • North America
  • EMEA
  • APAC

Pre iOS 14.5 Data

  • Global Ad Partners
  • Gaming Ad Partners
  • Non Gaming Ad Partners
  • North America

Overall best bet individual networks: Moloco ranked in the Top 5 (tied)

Overall Best Bet Individual Networks

“Even in a challenging year for most marketers, our machine learning engine, which uses unique first-party data as well as contextual data, provided strong ad performance as reflected in Singular’s ROI Index,” said Ryan Goldman, VP of Marketing at Moloco. “With a laser focus on providing our customers the best ROI and retention metrics, our entire team takes great pride in our results and celebrates the work of the entire industry.”

The 2022 Singular ROI Index includes rankings along with key mobile marketing insights from 2021. The full report is available for download.



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