Moloco Commerce Media GrowthU

How to develop your ad model: Policies and offerings

Polina Melnikova
Rama Chanani

At Moloco Commerce Media, we recognize that a well-defined ad model is not just a formality — it's a strategic blueprint that shapes how you engage with advertisers and manage your advertising ecosystem. Effective ad policies and product offerings ensure transparency, set clear expectations, and build trust, thereby facilitating smoother transactions and better relationships with your advertisers.

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Why is an effective ad model crucial?

An ad model is the foundation of your advertising operations and ensures that you and your advertisers clearly understand what to expect in every aspect of the partnership. This clarity leads to better planning, fewer misunderstandings, and more successful campaigns. By establishing comprehensive policies, offerings, and creative guidelines, you're not just regulating transactions; you're enhancing your advertising efforts' overall effectiveness and efficiency.

Here's what we'll cover:

  • Auction types: Understand the dynamics of first and second-price auctions and how they affect your revenue and the advertisers' return on ad spend (ROAS).

  • Pricing model: Explore different pricing models, such as CPC, CPM, CPT, and CPO, and learn how to select the best one for your platform based on industry benchmarks.

  • Budget guidelines: Set adequate budget ranges to prevent underinvestment and to guide advertisers in optimizing their ad spend.

  • Attribution models: Clarify how you attribute conversions, which is vital for measuring ad effectiveness.

  • Payment methods: Decide between postpay and prepay options to balance financial risk and operational ease.

  • Prohibited content: Identify and list items that cannot be advertised due to legal and ethical considerations.

  • Creative guidelines: Establish rules for ad creatives to maintain brand consistency and prevent misleading content.

By the end, you'll have all the tools and knowledge needed to create an ad model that supports your business goals while maintaining a high standard of fairness and transparency.

Auction types

First, you must choose either a first-price or second-price auction type. Below are the tradeoffs and recommendations for each, as well as the auction types across major US retailers and marketplaces.

Comparison of 1st- vs. 2nd-price auctions

Auction types by major US platforms

Pricing model

Your pricing model sets the foundation for how you'll charge advertisers for running ads on your platform. Pricing models can include cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-mille (CPM), cost-per-time (CPT), or cost-per-order (CPO). Below are the pros and cons of each, recommendations for best use cases, and industry benchmarks to compare your offering against.

Comparison of popular ad pricing models

Pricing floors

After you choose your auction type and pricing model, set a minimum (and maximum) bid limit for advertisers. Start high, to see how well the ads perform, and determine how sensitive your advertisers are to their ROAS. Then, adjust the floor based on conversion rates during a test phase. Below are the pricing floors offered with major US retailers and marketplaces.

Pricing floors by major US platforms

Budget guidelines

Ad budgets create guardrails around an advertiser’s campaign, to make sure they don’t over- or underspend.

Budget type and range

Your ad policy should define budget types (daily, weekly, or both) based on your advertisers’ preference and habits.

Establish minimum and maximum thresholds to guide advertisers in setting their budgets. We recommended that you set a high daily minimum (e.g., $10-25) to avoid low budgets, but ultimately the floor should depend on the types of advertisers you have.

Budget ranges by major US platforms

Attribution type and window

Attribution is the process of determining which ads led to a desired outcome, such as clicks or purchase.

Attribution type

The two typical types of attribution are direct and total. Direct attribution assigns credit to the last touchpoint before a conversion, while total attribution distributes credit across all touchpoints in the customer journey. 

Attribution window

Your ad policy should clarify your platform’s attribution model. The most used window is 14 days, but any policy and offering should align with your platform's goals and capabilities. Market benchmarks and your specific industry’s best practices can help inform your decision-making process.

Comparison of ad attribution windows

Attribution windows by major US platforms

Payment method

There are two typical payment methods, postpay and prepay. Your business and ad policies will need to weigh the tradeoffs and communicate what you offer to advertisers. In most cases, we recommend postpay if spend limits are in place to prevent fraud and ensure financial stability. Below are the pros, cons, and budget ranges offered by major US retailers and marketplaces. 

Comparison of ad payment methods

Payment methods by major US platforms

Prohibited items to advertise

Work closely with your legal team to identify which products or services may be illegal or harmful, and thus prohibited from being advertised, or subject to additional restrictions. Tailor your prohibited items list to comply with local laws and regulations, ensuring a safe and ethical advertising environment.

Examples of items that may be prohibited or subject to restrictions (by market)

  • UK: Food high in fat, salt, or sugar (HFSS) 
  • Australia and New Zealand: Ticket resellers
  • Singapore: Chewing gum 
  • Most countries: Bladed objects except for kitchen knives, cutlery, or silverware

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Creative guidelines for sponsored banner and brand ads

While sponsored product listings are typically native to the shopping experience, you’ll need to establish creative guidelines for any sponsored banner or brand overlay campaigns on your commerce network.

Work together with brand and legal teams to develop reasonable ad standards. Outline specifications for creative assets, including dimensions, format, resolution, and ad copy requirements. Emphasize the importance of timely, accurate, on-brand messaging, while prohibiting inflammatory content, misinformation, and inappropriate language. 

Banner ads: Example formats 

Banner ads can appear on Home, Category, and Search result pages. To ensure a timely campaign launch, advise advertisers to submit creatives for approval at least three days prior to the campaign start date.

Ad copy requirements

Clarify your ad copy requirements, from the timeliness and accuracy of your messaging to CTA formatting.

  • Timely messaging: Promotions shouldn’t be out of date. Also, make sure that wording is consistent with time of year, like Christmas or Valentine’s Day ads.

  • Accurate messaging: Advertisers should not lie or make unsubstantiated claims.

  • On-brand messaging: Make sure ad copy is congruent with your company values.

  • Inflammatory content: Outlaw controversial or harmful content.

  • Misinformation: Don't let wrong information appear on your site.

  • Language: Identify if you will have any language or wording restrictions.

  • CTAs: Outline what call-to-actions are allowed. “Act now or else” might be off-brand for you.

General creative guidelines 

Beyond format and copy, there are additional guidelines you will want to include such as:

  • Advertiser branding: Ensure that the advertisement prominently features the advertiser's brand logo or name for easy recognition and association.

  • Background colors and borders: Use background colors and borders that complement the ad content without overwhelming or distracting the viewer.

  • Borders: Incorporate borders around the ad to help it stand out on the webpage while maintaining a cohesive design.

  • Distracting ads: Avoid using elements or techniques in the creative assets that may distract or annoy users, such as flashing animations or excessive movement.

  • Fake functionality: Do not use deceptive elements that mimic interactive features or functionality, such as fake buttons or simulated forms.

  • Image quality: Ensure that images used in the ads are high-quality, clear, and relevant to the ad's message to maintain professionalism and engagement.

  • Pop-ups and pop-unders: Avoid using intrusive pop-up or pop-under ads that disrupt the user's browsing experience and may lead to negative perceptions of the brand.

  • Custom images: For sponsored display ads, make sure images adhere to platform requirements and effectively communicate the intended message while maintaining brand consistency.

Establish a creative review process

Once you’ve defined your ad format and creative requirements, set up a clear and efficient review process. Provide detailed approval timelines, rejection protocols, and procedures for re-review requests. Streamline the process to minimize delays and ensure a seamless experience for advertisers.

Build and grow your advertising business with Moloco Commerce Media

A trusted foundation for ad success

Crafting a robust ad model and policy is essential for the success of your retail media business. By carefully considering each component and working closely with your team, you can develop a comprehensive ad policy that fosters transparency, trust, and mutual success for advertisers, consumers, and your bottom line.

In the next article from our GrowthU series, we’ll demystify acronyms like CPT, CPC, and CPO to help you find the right ad pricing model for your business.

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