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Case Studies

Moloco SDK drove over 10% of Lessmore overall ad revenue

Michael Fortune

July 16, 2024

About Lessmore

Lessmore is a Germany-based independent studio with a team spread across Europe. They are renowned for their hit mobile title, "Eatventure," which trended to the top of the US charts in free games. Lessmore focuses on crafting outstanding games that resonate with and captivate the gaming community.


In the highly competitive ad stack of Lessmore's premier game, "Eatventure," prospective monetization partners faced challenges around enhancing the game's industry leading success. The hit game generates over ten million per year in ad revenue and a user base in the millions, the benchmarks set high standards. After a successful User Acquisition (UA) partnership with Moloco Ads, Lessmore sought to deepen the collaboration by tapping into Moloco's capabilities to propel their business even further.


By integrating Moloco's SDK into their mediation platform, Lessmore enhanced ad competition, diversified revenue streams, and improved KPIs such as Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) and LifeTime Value (LTV) within 24 hours. Moloco's team provided white glove service to the Lessmore team and collaborated before the app launch to offer proactive recommendations.

By leveraging unique historical data, Moloco efficiently fine-tuned Lessmore's ad monetization strategy to yield maximum results. Based on this data and expanded partnership with Lessmore, Moloco provided recommendations that accelerated KPI target achievement. Typically, this can take up to 30 days for SDK partners to ramp, but with Moloco, it took 24 hours. Moloco's machine learning-powered solution is now a core partner in Lessmore's ad monetization strategy, accounting for 10% of their total ad revenue.


  • Achieved 3.7% lift in ARPDAU within 24hrs of Moloco SDK launch
  • Moloco SDK contributed approximately 10% of Lessmore’s total ad revenue
  • Moloco ranked in top 4 revenue-generating partner for Lessmore

"As one of the strongest UA channels we weren't surprised to see the high eCPMs coming in from the Moloco SDK. It's become one of our top ad revenue sources."
— Gus Viegas, former Head of Growth, Lessmore








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