Nikhil Raj

Nikhil Raj

VP of Business, Retail Media, Moloco

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Commerce Media: The ‘PromoteIQ Shutdown’ and what you need to know
Moloco Commerce Media

Commerce Media: The ‘PromoteIQ Shutdown’ and what you need to know

The recent shutdown of Microsoft-backed PromoteIQ is a wake-up call for the retail media industry. Learn what you need to know to invest in flexible, high-performing, personalized onsite ad technologies to scale your ad business effectively.

Nikhil Raj


July 30, 2024
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Unleashing commerce media: How ad profits fuel e-commerce growth
Moloco Commerce Media

Unleashing commerce media: How ad profits fuel e-commerce growth

Discover how commerce media fuels e-commerce profitability, generating substantial revenues for reinvestment while balancing user experience and advertiser needs.

Nikhil Raj


July 8, 2024
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Commerce media implications: The convergence of first-party online retailers and marketplace models
Moloco Commerce Media

Commerce media implications: The convergence of first-party online retailers and marketplace models

Discover how the convergence of 1P online retailer and digital marketplace models is reshaping the retail media landscape, creating new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Nikhil Raj


May 20, 2024
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Navigating the path to building a successful ad business with the right flexible technology partner
Moloco Commerce Media

Navigating the path to building a successful ad business with the right flexible technology partner

Examine the strategic importance of building an ad business for online retailers and marketplaces, highlighting its impact on user experience, seller empowerment, revenue growth, and market competition.

Nikhil Raj


March 4, 2024
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Unlocking synergy: The case for online retailers and marketplaces in the ads business
Moloco Commerce Media

Unlocking synergy: The case for online retailers and marketplaces in the ads business

Delve into the strategic importance of building an ads business for online retailers and marketplaces, highlighting its impact on user experience, seller empowerment, revenue growth, and market competition.

Nikhil Raj


January 22, 2024
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Navigating the future: 2024 commerce media trends
Moloco Commerce Media

Navigating the future: 2024 commerce media trends

2024 will likely see the commerce media landscape evolve, defined by the use of first-party data and machine learning for ad optimization, internal handling of media efforts, and embracing Connected TV for full-funnel marketing.

Nikhil Raj


January 1, 2024
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