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Scale your ad performance with Weekly Budget Optimizer

San Baek
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April 13, 2022

Did you know that installs on iOS jump 25% on weekends over weekdays? And 6% on Android1?

This is because people have more free time on the weekends, and thus, are more active in playing games, shopping, and browsing content on their smartphones. It’s a no-brainer to shift more ad spend to weekends. But most marketers miss this window of opportunity because they still rely on daily budget optimization — or allocating the same budget each day — which actually caps their performance potential.

At Moloco, we’re focused on helping marketers scale their performance — without caps from legacy spend. That’s why we’re excited to announce Weekly Budget Optimizer, a new feature that automatically optimizes your spend based on a weekly budget. This feature differs from daily optimization in that it optimizes for both time and day of week. For example, if we see that your ads perform best on Thursday afternoons, our engine will channel more of your spend toward that period.

Weekly Budget Optimizer enables you to:

  • Automatically optimize spend on time of day and day of week
  • Boost your campaign performance by 10%
  • Spend more on the best performing days while staying at or below your weekly budget

Weekly Budget Optimization Gif

Weekly vs. daily budget optimization

Our early-access customers are already achieving incremental scale with Weekly mode:

Thanks to Moloco's Weekly Budget Optimizer, we reduced CPA by 20% and grew ROAS by 7.6% for our Android campaign, and reduced CPA by 12% and increased ROAS by 2% for iOS.

— Andrey Filatov, Head of Marketing at Original Games

Since switching to the Weekly Budget Optimizer, Moloco has been one of the strongest UA channels for Truebill on Android.

— Fabiana Ayala, Growth Marketing Manager at Truebill

To maximize your budget, Weekly Budget Optimizer analyzes your historical campaign performance based on real-time data and market trends. We’re continuously improving our optimization logic, ensuring that users see ads when they're most likely to convert.

How to get started:

If you’re already using Moloco Cloud DSP, go to your campaign manager:

  1. Scroll down to the Budget & Schedule section
  2. Enter your average daily budget
  3. Select your campaign dates
  4. Launch and enjoy intelligent budget allocation throughout the week!

Looking to optimize your campaigns? Contact us today!

1 AppsFlyer, Finding your true north: Measuring your app marketing's true ROI

San Baek

Senior Product Manager

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