Nikhil Raj

Nikhil Raj

VP of Business, Retail Media, Moloco

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How to optimize sponsored ad performance for food delivery marketplaces
Moloco Commerce Media

How to optimize sponsored ad performance for food delivery marketplaces

Optimize sponsored ad performance for food delivery by tapping into the power of vertical-specific data — like delivery times and fees — to drive transactions and empower local restaurants with a risk-free, pay-per-order advertising model.

Nikhil Raj


December 6, 2023
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Unlocking the power of online media and omnichannel sales through machine learning
Moloco Commerce Media

Unlocking the power of online media and omnichannel sales through machine learning

Learn how machine learning and first-party data optimize omnichannel sales, ensure precise attribution, and boost media integration for online media.

Nikhil Raj


November 3, 2023
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Empowering retailers: The rise of in-house retail media
Moloco Commerce Media

Empowering retailers: The rise of in-house retail media

Retail giants like Kroger exemplify the shift from outsourcing to strengthening in-house operations and supplier ties in an evolving e-commerce landscape. Retail media powered by machine learning can offer high-margin advertising avenues for retailers.

Nikhil Raj


September 13, 2023
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