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Press Release

Moloco launches dynamic creative for programmatic mobile advertising

June 15, 2021

announced today the launch of Dynamic Creative for programmatic advertising. MOLOCO’s Dynamic Creative automatically designs, deploys and optimizes personalized ad creative for every individual at the moment of ad serving for app marketers in e-commerce, entertainment and other app categories. Working in conjunction with Moloco Cloud, a cloud-based programmatic advertising platform, Dynamic Creative delivers automatically optimized ad campaigns across the programmatic ecosystem.

Dynamic Creative leverages Moloco's proprietary machine learning technology to design ad creative in real-time based on factors such as the marketer’s best-selling items, the context of the ad placement, and traits of the individual viewing the ad. Moloco then deploys the ad programmatically to its network of nearly 10 billion global devices across the world’s leading in-app ad networks, marketplaces and exchanges, including MoPub (a Twitter company), Fyber, Vungle, AdColony, Chartboost, Tapjoy, LINE and more.

“We built our machine learning algorithms to help app marketers get the most out of their data and pinpoint their ideal audiences in order to drive growth quickly, easily, and at scale,” said Ikkjin Ahn, co-founder and CEO of Moloco. “With the launch of our Dynamic Creative, we’re taking that one step further by automating the creation of ad creative as well, which helps to not only minimize ad design and development resources but boost conversions by serving personalized ad experiences to every individual, every time.”

Moloco's Dynamic Creative integrates with an advertiser’s catalog of products so that it can design ad creative based on the name, price, image and other details of its top-selling and most relevant items. At launch, Moloco supports catalog feed templates from common providers such as Facebook, Google, Criteo, and Naver. Dynamic Creative also syncs with an advertiser’s mobile measurement partner (MMP) to track campaign performance so that it can optimize results on the fly.

"Moloco's Dynamic Creative is a real game changer for us," said Jeong Eun Kang, SA of Marketing Management Team at LOTTE ON. "We've been able to significantly boost ad performance and user LTV by generating a personalized ad that recommends the most relevant offer based on user preferences and important contextual data."

Marketers interested in using Moloco's Dynamic Creative can request access through their MOLOCO representative. Moloco is currently accepting apps in e-commerce, media and streaming content.

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