Grow your app with performance-driven advertising

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Mobile users spend nearly ⅔ of their time online on the more than 3 million apps outside the walled gardens.* If you’re limiting your mobile app advertising to the internet giants, you’re limiting your growth. Moloco Cloud DSP can help you seize the massive opportunity of the open internet by giving you access to more than 3 million apps across 230 countries. All powered by advanced operational machine learning.
*Source: Statista, 2020

  • 您的数据永远不会与其他开发者共享
  • 所有的用户数据都是加密的
  • 《通用数据保护条例(GDPR)》(欧盟)
  • 《加州消费者隐私法(CCPA)》 (加州)
  • 《个人信息保护评价(PIPA)》 (韩国和中国)
  • 《个人信息保护法(APPI)》(日本)
  • 来自 Bishop Fox 通过渗透测试的网络

available apps

powered by your first-party data

available apps

powered by your first-party data

Find out how Moloco Cloud DSP can help you find incremental growth outside the walled gardens.

Start growing your business faster. Let’s talk.

A word from our customers

Gamehive logo

“Moloco helped us acquire valuable users we needed  to hit our ROAS targets, and enabled us to reach new audiences that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”

— Nick Cullen, GameHive 用户获取经理

Playrix logo

“No one provides better data-driven solutions than Moloco. Whether for programmatic user acquisition, in-house control of data, or as a fully managed service, Moloco's machine learning solutions give mobile businesses the edge they need.”

— Maxim Kirilenko,Playrix 首席业务发展官


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